Cecil County News

Your Source for Honest Citizen Journalism

Locals Gather to Discuss Southfields Project

Residents discuss ramifications of the Southfields development.

Elkton, MD – Town residents gathered from 7 – 8:30 PM this Thursday night at the Elkton Nursing Home and Rehabilitation center on Pierce Dr. to discuss the impending Southfield’s project and the negative impact that the development which includes an industrial park and more than one thousand new homes will have on their properties.

Cecil County News was present to cover the small event. In order to protect the privacy of the attendees, we will not mention any names and their faces will be blurred out in imagery.

Several concerned citizens took the floor to expound their concerns and fears about the development. Many spoke up to discuss the damage that runoff from the industrial park would cause to the nearby wetlands and their well water.

Other residents in attendance centered their focus on the strain a sudden influx of new families with children would have on the school district. It was pointedly criticized how many school programs had been cut and justified with the excuse of a funding shortage while the county works to give tax breaks to developers and incoming businesses.

Map of Southfields development. (Photo Courtesy of Stonewall Capital)

Relevant information was traded in order ensure that everyone was up to speed and understood all the risks and negatives associated with the Southfields project. An explanation was given on what enterprise zone tax credits are and what the positives and negatives of them are.

Also provided at the meeting was a map of the development plan and information about who you can contact on the local, state and federal level to express your concerns.

If you are an Elkton resident affected by the upcoming project but were unable to attend the meeting for one reason or another, we have taken the liberty of including this information.

Contact List

State of Maryland

Maryland Department of the Environment

(410) 537-3000 – mde.webmaster@maryland.gov

Maryland Department of Natural Resources

(877) 620-8367 – customerservice.dnr@maryland.gov

Federal Government

Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 (MD/VA/DC)

(800) 438-2474 – https://www.epa.gov

Use comment forum to state issues.

United States Army Corps of Engineers


Use contact form on the website and Select

“Environmental” option on the drop-down menu.

Cecil County and Elkton

Bob Meffley – County Councilman (District 1)


Town of Elkton Department of Planning

Jeanne Minner – Planning Director

(Use form on website to email)

One thought on “Locals Gather to Discuss Southfields Project

  1. We live at 77 Sarah and have heard that a large warehouse may be built very close to our home. Sarah is a dead end street and we would be totally opposed to any discussion of opening/enlarging or further changing this quiet neighborhood of mostly elder, retired people. We are all on wells and would object to endangerment of the water quality due to any construction. Please fight this to the end as we see nothing but negative results to our home, our neighborhood and our city. SAY NO TO SOUTHFIELDS

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